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Bangkok, Thailand - December 9, 2023: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suriyadeo Tripathi, Director of the Center for Morality Promotion (CMP), delivered a captivating lecture titled "Sustainability with Morality: HoneyBee Model" at the PRAISE-Roots to Sustainability event held at the Peninsula Hotel. Approximately 300 attendees from diverse sectors, including private businesses, government agencies, educational institutions, and the United Nations, witnessed his insightful presentation.


Organized by the Follow Father Footstep Foundation and supported by the community support to strengthen sustainability, the PRAISE-Roots to Sustainability event celebrated the achievements of Thai SMEs following the "Father's footsteps" principles. It highlighted the creative contributions of volunteer businessmen and presented the XMEs Awards 2023 to outstanding entrepreneurs who have achieved remarkable success through self-reliance, collaborative partnerships, and social responsibility. The event also featured international academic conferences facilitating knowledge exchange on the application of research and insights for sustainable organizations.
Dr. Tripathi emphasized the CMP's working principles, which revolve around establishing a moral ecosystem driven by the "HoneyBee Model." This model utilizes various tools, including the Moral Behavior Index (MBI), Life Assets Positive Power, and a social credit system, to foster positive behaviors and promote a harmonious and happy society. He highlighted the importance of stimulating and motivating individuals, communities, and organizations towards ethical conduct. He showcased the CMP's progress in developing tools and conducting surveys to assess the state of morality in five key areas: sufficiency, discipline/responsibility, honesty, public spirit, and gratitude.
The 2023 survey results revealed that the overall morality score across three age groups had improved compared to 2022, reaching a satisfactory level. However, further analysis revealed concerns in specific areas across all age groups, indicating a potential downward trend. Additionally, the Life Asset survey revealed that the overall positive power score across the three age groups was at an excellent level in 2023.

Dr. Tripathi concluded by emphasizing the crucial link between measurable, tangible morality and sustainable development. He stated, "Sustainability can only be achieved through genuine, internalized morality. By actively fostering moral values within ourselves, we generate positive impacts that extend to our surroundings, organizations, communities, and ultimately, the nation."


Press Release by: Moral Academy/ Center for Morality Promotion (CMP) (Public Organization)
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